
The Expert Review is keen to hear from institutions, organisations and individuals engaged in the fields of sovereign debt, nature and climate in low and middle income countries.

We are interested to hear in particular evidence and views on the following questions:

  1. General analysis of the relationships between debt, nature and climate in low and middle income countries, and evidence on this
  2. Views on the possible need for debt restructuring in the present context and/or near future, and how this might be done.
  3. Views on the benefits, risks and potential of ‘debt for climate swaps’ and ‘debt for nature swaps’, and how these might be taken forward in the future
  4. Views on how new debt and other development financing arrangements might be structured to support low-carbon, climate-resilient, nature-positive and inclusive growth
  5. Views on the way in which debt, nature and climate are reflected in the Debt Sustainability Analysis methodologies used by the IMF and World Bank, and by credit ratings agencies, and any reforms you would like to see in these
  6. Any other proposals and recommendations relating to the fields of debt, nature and climate

Please submit your consultation response to [email protected] We would be glad to receive already written and published material.


Contributions on questions 1 and 5 would be particularly welcome by 31st August 2024.

Contributions on questions 2, 3, 4 and 6 would be particularly welcome by 31st October 2024. 

We will however be glad to receive contributions at any time up to 31st January 2025.