About this review
The Review is being conducted by an Independent Expert Group (IEG) co-chaired by Vera Songwe, former UN Under-Secretary General, and Moritz Kraemer, Chief Economist at LBBW bank and former Global Chief Ratings Officer of S&P Global (previously known as Standard and Poor’s). Coming from both developed and developing countries, members of the IEG have expertise and experience drawn from borrower and creditor country governments, international financial institutions, the private sector, academia and civil society.
The Review is being supported by a Secretariat drawn from four independent research institutes: the UN Economic Commission for Latin America (based in Santiago, Chile), ODI (based in London, UK), the Finance for Development Lab of the Paris School of Economics (based in Paris, France) and the Africa Centre for Economic Transformation (based in Accra Ghana).
The Review will be conducting a wide-ranging consultation among stakeholders across the world engaged and interested in this field.